Thursday, August 25, 2005

candy, melanie and the preggo lady - my most recent pic!

HI CANDY!! HI MEL!! wow! my cheeks are plump!! and WOW! so are my boobies! WOOHOO!!! i wasn't even squeezing them together either!! hehe

belly close-ups - HOLY MOLY! lolol

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

the beginnings

the happy couple

This is papa and I a few weeks after the honeymoon....yes, we were really happy about the news!! And yes, this was definitely taken pre-bigbelly! =)

the long awaited big-belly pics...

This is the beginning of the big belly. Around the end of June, I started noticing my belly getting a tad bit plumper...hmmm who woulda thought that I'd be advertising the big belly??? Certainly not I!! lolol

a few days after the first big belly pic...

HOLY MOLY!! What a difference frikkin' 4 days makes....sheesh! And it keeps on getting bigger and bigger...It's funny how I'm covering my boobs in this picture...but they're definitely bigger as well!! WOOO! hahaha ^_^


This is straight madness! About a month since the last belly pics...end of July...craziness...and to think I'm even bigger and rounder NOW... OMG!

EEEEEEK! At least we know the baby's growing! Phew!! ^_^

a thought

At this point in my pregnancy, I can feel the baby moving with more force and vigor…not painful or anything…but more forceful as opposed to the flutter type feelings I used to get a few weeks earlier. I’m actually surprised that I’m not as weirded out as I thought I’d be about the whole living and moving thing inside me. It’s actually quite reassuring…”oh…there’s a kick or a nudge…phew…she’s doing good”…. I’ve come to look for her little movements and at times, I try bugging her (rubbing my belly) to elicit a response from her…she must be upset at me a lot of the time…heehee. Oh well, let’s start her off early…she’ll get used to it…HAHA.

another thought

I’m losing my belly button – help! LOL Well, it was bound to happen. It's funny how much bigger and rounder I’ve gotten since just a month ago…I didn’t really notice it til I saw the pictures. Yikes! I haven’t downloaded this months pics onto the computer yet…have patience…they’re coming…hehe Just trust me…I’m big. Nothing else to say about it. I'm about 116 pounds right now...the heaviest I've ever been in my whole entire's been quite a hard adjustment wrapping my head around the whole getting bigger in the midsection (and my face...YIPES!) thing since I've been obsessed with my weight for years and years...but I'm dealing and it helps to know that the baby is doing well and obviously growing how she needs to be growing...=)

Quick update from the doctor: We're keeping our original due date of December 2, 2005 which makes me almost 24 weeks pregnant (this Friday will begin my 24th week). I'm still hoping for an earlier delivery...I likes November ^_^ In any case, I think I may start a betting thingie - not sure what the prize will be...but if you can guess the date and time I deliver and/or the length and weight of the win! heehee

some stuff i found...

Here are a few things about the baby in her 23rd week of life in mah belleh:

Week Twenty-Three

-Proportions of the body are now quite similar to a newborn although thinner since she hasn't begun to form body fat.
-Bones located in the middle ear harden.
-My baby is able to hear. (Papa, did you know: low-frequency sounds mimicking a male voice penetrate the abdomen and uterine wall better than the higher frequencies of the female voice?)
-The eyes are formed, though the iris still lacks pigmentation.
-The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily. ---She has begun producing insulin, important for the breakdown of sugars.
-If born now, my baby has a 15% chance of survival, her odds going up with each passing day. .
-The average baby at this stage weighs 1.1 pound (501gm) and is 11.4 inches (28.9cm) long.